Sqlpro Studio 1 0 172 – Powerful Database Manager Training

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  • 5 C#.NET Training Course Overview

About C#.Net Training

This C#.NET training teaches non-experienced people how to create the Solutions/Applications using C#.NET. C#.NET is Microsoft's entry into the world of managed programming. Using a syntax that is deliberately from Java, C++ and C, C#.NET achieves a natural trade-off of terseness and clarity, enabling programmers to express concepts in a clear and maintainable form. The recent enhancements to the language have made it even more powerful than before, allowing programmers to work with C#.NET in both an Object-Oriented and partially functional style.

C#.Net Training Course Prerequisite

Sqlpro studio 1 0 172 – powerful database manager training reliaslearning
  • No prior experience is presumed.

C#.Net Training Course Content Objective

  • Learn the fundamentals of C# programming in Visual Studio.
  • Using .Net Framework
  • Working with variables, data types
  • Work with standard programming skills
  • Exception Handling in C#
  • Object oriented programming in C#
  • Object oriented techniques
  • Working with Arrays
  • Create Generic classes and methods.
  • Collections in C#
  • Generate and test your own classes using the Class Designer and Object Test Bench tools.
  • Use delegate types to provide flexibility and type safety.
  • Use anonymous types, lambda expressions, extension methods, object initializers, and implicit type declarations

C#.Net Training Course Duration

  • Normal Track 60 Working days, daily one and half hours
  • Fast Track 40 Working days, daily two hours

C#.NET Training Course Overview

Introduction/Overview of .Net

  • Introduction to .Net
  • Platform for the .Net
  • Drawbacks of Current Trend
  • Net Framework – BCL & CLR l Key design goals
  • CLR, CTS, MSIL & other tools.
  • Multiple Language Interaction & support l Moving from Project to Assemblies…
  • Security in .NET – CAS

.Net Framework [Advanced]

  • Advantages/Disadvantages
  • Features of .Net
  • Assemblies in Detail
  • GAC, Strong Names
  • Language Interop
  • Reflection

Visual C#.Net Language

  • Advantages/Disadvantages
  • Why C#/ Why Not C#
  • Where does C# Fit in
  • C, C++ to Visual C#
  • Features of C#
  • .NET Namespaces

.Net Installations/C#.Net

  • .NET Versions – 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5 Beta
  • Visual Studio.NET 2003/2005/Orcas/2008
  • Windows Vista – New Look
  • Gadgets/SideBars/UAC – relation with .NET
  • Hardware/Software Requirements
  • FAQ's with detailed answers

Programming Using Visual C#.Net

  • The start of the application
  • C#.Net Program Design
  • Variables and types
  • Value types and reference types (CTS)
  • Strings and arrays
  • The Console class
  • String formatting
  • Statements and flows
  • Programming Structures
  • Command-line arguments
  • VS.NET to Create C#.NET Apps
  • C# 3.0/3.5 features – Implicit types , Extention Methods and more

Introduction To Windows Forms – I

  • Windows forms library – WinForms
  • Layout Enhancements
  • Forms and controls – Hierarchy
  • Creating simple GUI by hand
  • Event handling
  • Basic controls
  • Windows forms – buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, panels, group boxes, list boxes, picture boxes…

Windows Forms – II

  • Menus
  • Built-in dialog boxes and printing
  • Extender Controls
  • ToolStrips, StatusStrips and progress bars
  • A new MDI forms strategy
  • Inheritance with forms
  • New Controls – Web Browser, Property Grid etc

Object Oriented Concepts (Basic)

  • Classes & objects
  • Abstract & override methods
  • Creating and using your own classes l Data members and member methods l Instantiate an object
  • This keyword
  • Properties – Read Only Write Only…
  • Build process using windows class library l Generate classes for other clients
  • How to use classes as part of project

Object Oriented Concepts (Advanced)

  • Accessibility levels, specifiers
  • Constructors
  • Method overloading
  • Class (static) variables & methods
  • Object destruction
  • ‘ref' and ‘out' parameters
  • Constant values
  • Enumerations
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • The root of all classes
  • Creating derived classes
  • Method overriding and hiding
  • Polymorphism and virtual functions
  • Casting objects
  • Abstract classes
  • Sealed classes
  • Static classes

Object Oriented Concepts (Implementation Oriented)

  • Case Studies
  • Class Diagram in VS.Net
  • Refactoring & others
  • FAQ's

Error Handling

  • Unstructured error handling support
  • Structured error handling
  • Error categories
  • Debugging the application
  • Debug and Trace classes
  • Code Optimization
  • Testing and strategies

Ado.Net 1.1/2.0/LINQ

  • History and background
  • From DAO to ADO.NET
  • ADO.NET design goals
  • The ADO.NET architecture and its components
  • ADO.NET in relation to the other .NET tools
  • DataSet in RealTime Scenarious

ADO.Net Components

  • Connected and disconnected environment
  • ADO.NET object model
  • Data sources, providers and connections
  • Commands and data readers
  • Data sets and data adaptors
  • Data tables, rows and columns
  • Constraints and relations
  • Data-centric applications – New ADO.Net Hierarchy

Data Sources And .Net Data Providers

  • Connecting to a data source
  • SQL Server .NET data provider
  • OLE-DB .NET data provider
  • Connections and connection strings
  • SQL-Server integrated security
  • Connection pooling
  • ADO.NET exceptions

Accessing Data In The Connected Environment

  • Commands
  • Creating and executing commands
  • Reading data using a data reader
  • Batch queries & single result queries
  • Parameterised queries (input & output parameters)
  • Adding, editing and deleting data
  • Stored procedures

Accessing Data In Disconnected Environment

  • Why using a disconnected environment?
  • DataSet and DataAdapter features
  • Filling data sets using data adapters
  • Read data using data tables, rows and columns
  • Batch queries and data sets
  • Visual Studio Data Menu & tools
  • DataSet Navigation
  • DataSet Functionality
  • DataSet Optimistic Concurrency

Sorting, Searching And Filtering

  • Searching in data sets
  • Find on primary keys
  • Searching on any column
  • Searching on row state
  • Wildcard searches
  • Sorting and filtering using data views
  • Searching in a data view

Live Case Study and Implementation Of ADO.NET in N-Tier

  • Client Server Basics
  • N-Tier – Classical and New
  • N-Tier importance w.r.t other .Net technologies
  • Build User Interface Layer – importance
  • Business Layer in N-Tier – advantages & disadvantages
  • Data Access Layer – Generic/Specific Advantages
  • N-Tier DataBase Application
  • SQLHelper, CodeSmith etc tools awareness


  • XML Basics – Importance in Todays world
  • XML designers/support in VS.NET
  • XML Derived Technologies – XSD ,XSL , SOAP ,WSDL


  • System.Xml Namespace
  • Stream Model XML
  • XmlTextReader,TextWriter
  • XmlTextReader, TextWriter XMLDocument/ XmlDataDocumentClasses
  • Dom Objects – XMLNode/XMLNodeList
  • XPATH- Query Language for XML
  • DOM – Navigation & Access Case Studies

Creating Custom Windows Controls

Sqlpro Studio 1 0 172 – Powerful Database Manager Training Pdf

  • About user – defined controls
  • Understanding the control class with Container
  • Add Properties/Methods/Events to Control
  • Pack & use control in other windows applications
  • Create & implement a windows control

Windows Services*

  • Understanding services
  • Creating windows services
  • Setting properties
  • Compile, run & install services
  • Event log services

.Net Remoting

Sqlpro studio 1 0 172 – powerful database manager training reliaslearning
  • No prior experience is presumed.

C#.Net Training Course Content Objective

  • Learn the fundamentals of C# programming in Visual Studio.
  • Using .Net Framework
  • Working with variables, data types
  • Work with standard programming skills
  • Exception Handling in C#
  • Object oriented programming in C#
  • Object oriented techniques
  • Working with Arrays
  • Create Generic classes and methods.
  • Collections in C#
  • Generate and test your own classes using the Class Designer and Object Test Bench tools.
  • Use delegate types to provide flexibility and type safety.
  • Use anonymous types, lambda expressions, extension methods, object initializers, and implicit type declarations

C#.Net Training Course Duration

  • Normal Track 60 Working days, daily one and half hours
  • Fast Track 40 Working days, daily two hours

C#.NET Training Course Overview

Introduction/Overview of .Net

  • Introduction to .Net
  • Platform for the .Net
  • Drawbacks of Current Trend
  • Net Framework – BCL & CLR l Key design goals
  • CLR, CTS, MSIL & other tools.
  • Multiple Language Interaction & support l Moving from Project to Assemblies…
  • Security in .NET – CAS

.Net Framework [Advanced]

  • Advantages/Disadvantages
  • Features of .Net
  • Assemblies in Detail
  • GAC, Strong Names
  • Language Interop
  • Reflection

Visual C#.Net Language

  • Advantages/Disadvantages
  • Why C#/ Why Not C#
  • Where does C# Fit in
  • C, C++ to Visual C#
  • Features of C#
  • .NET Namespaces

.Net Installations/C#.Net

  • .NET Versions – 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5 Beta
  • Visual Studio.NET 2003/2005/Orcas/2008
  • Windows Vista – New Look
  • Gadgets/SideBars/UAC – relation with .NET
  • Hardware/Software Requirements
  • FAQ's with detailed answers

Programming Using Visual C#.Net

  • The start of the application
  • C#.Net Program Design
  • Variables and types
  • Value types and reference types (CTS)
  • Strings and arrays
  • The Console class
  • String formatting
  • Statements and flows
  • Programming Structures
  • Command-line arguments
  • VS.NET to Create C#.NET Apps
  • C# 3.0/3.5 features – Implicit types , Extention Methods and more

Introduction To Windows Forms – I

  • Windows forms library – WinForms
  • Layout Enhancements
  • Forms and controls – Hierarchy
  • Creating simple GUI by hand
  • Event handling
  • Basic controls
  • Windows forms – buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, panels, group boxes, list boxes, picture boxes…

Windows Forms – II

  • Menus
  • Built-in dialog boxes and printing
  • Extender Controls
  • ToolStrips, StatusStrips and progress bars
  • A new MDI forms strategy
  • Inheritance with forms
  • New Controls – Web Browser, Property Grid etc

Object Oriented Concepts (Basic)

  • Classes & objects
  • Abstract & override methods
  • Creating and using your own classes l Data members and member methods l Instantiate an object
  • This keyword
  • Properties – Read Only Write Only…
  • Build process using windows class library l Generate classes for other clients
  • How to use classes as part of project

Object Oriented Concepts (Advanced)

  • Accessibility levels, specifiers
  • Constructors
  • Method overloading
  • Class (static) variables & methods
  • Object destruction
  • ‘ref' and ‘out' parameters
  • Constant values
  • Enumerations
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • The root of all classes
  • Creating derived classes
  • Method overriding and hiding
  • Polymorphism and virtual functions
  • Casting objects
  • Abstract classes
  • Sealed classes
  • Static classes

Object Oriented Concepts (Implementation Oriented)

  • Case Studies
  • Class Diagram in VS.Net
  • Refactoring & others
  • FAQ's

Error Handling

  • Unstructured error handling support
  • Structured error handling
  • Error categories
  • Debugging the application
  • Debug and Trace classes
  • Code Optimization
  • Testing and strategies

Ado.Net 1.1/2.0/LINQ

  • History and background
  • From DAO to ADO.NET
  • ADO.NET design goals
  • The ADO.NET architecture and its components
  • ADO.NET in relation to the other .NET tools
  • DataSet in RealTime Scenarious

ADO.Net Components

  • Connected and disconnected environment
  • ADO.NET object model
  • Data sources, providers and connections
  • Commands and data readers
  • Data sets and data adaptors
  • Data tables, rows and columns
  • Constraints and relations
  • Data-centric applications – New ADO.Net Hierarchy

Data Sources And .Net Data Providers

  • Connecting to a data source
  • SQL Server .NET data provider
  • OLE-DB .NET data provider
  • Connections and connection strings
  • SQL-Server integrated security
  • Connection pooling
  • ADO.NET exceptions

Accessing Data In The Connected Environment

  • Commands
  • Creating and executing commands
  • Reading data using a data reader
  • Batch queries & single result queries
  • Parameterised queries (input & output parameters)
  • Adding, editing and deleting data
  • Stored procedures

Accessing Data In Disconnected Environment

  • Why using a disconnected environment?
  • DataSet and DataAdapter features
  • Filling data sets using data adapters
  • Read data using data tables, rows and columns
  • Batch queries and data sets
  • Visual Studio Data Menu & tools
  • DataSet Navigation
  • DataSet Functionality
  • DataSet Optimistic Concurrency

Sorting, Searching And Filtering

  • Searching in data sets
  • Find on primary keys
  • Searching on any column
  • Searching on row state
  • Wildcard searches
  • Sorting and filtering using data views
  • Searching in a data view

Live Case Study and Implementation Of ADO.NET in N-Tier

  • Client Server Basics
  • N-Tier – Classical and New
  • N-Tier importance w.r.t other .Net technologies
  • Build User Interface Layer – importance
  • Business Layer in N-Tier – advantages & disadvantages
  • Data Access Layer – Generic/Specific Advantages
  • N-Tier DataBase Application
  • SQLHelper, CodeSmith etc tools awareness


  • XML Basics – Importance in Todays world
  • XML designers/support in VS.NET
  • XML Derived Technologies – XSD ,XSL , SOAP ,WSDL


  • System.Xml Namespace
  • Stream Model XML
  • XmlTextReader,TextWriter
  • XmlTextReader, TextWriter XMLDocument/ XmlDataDocumentClasses
  • Dom Objects – XMLNode/XMLNodeList
  • XPATH- Query Language for XML
  • DOM – Navigation & Access Case Studies

Creating Custom Windows Controls

Sqlpro Studio 1 0 172 – Powerful Database Manager Training Pdf

  • About user – defined controls
  • Understanding the control class with Container
  • Add Properties/Methods/Events to Control
  • Pack & use control in other windows applications
  • Create & implement a windows control

Windows Services*

  • Understanding services
  • Creating windows services
  • Setting properties
  • Compile, run & install services
  • Event log services

.Net Remoting

  • About Distributed Applications
  • COM/DCOM in Distributed Environment
  • Drawbacks of DCOM
  • .NET Remoting – New distributed environment
  • Advantages & Disadvantages
  • Remoting – Web Services comparisons
  • MBR, MBV
  • Channels
  • Formatters
  • Programming Model – Object Styles & Lifestyles
  • Activation
  • Case Study – Implementation using Remoting

Crystal Reports*

Sqlpro Studio 1 0 172 – Powerful Database Manager Training Software

  • Reporting Need in the application
  • Crystal Reports – Reporting Tool
  • Different Versions of Crystal Reports
  • Developing a Crystal Report
  • Different ways to Invoke/Deploy Crystal Reports

Application Deployment

  • Packaging Code
  • ClickOnce Deployment
  • Configuring the .Net framework
  • Deploying the application in Web Server
  • Deployment – other methods

Sqlpro Studio 1 0 172 – Powerful Database Manager Training Reliaslearning

Click Here For C#.NET Online Training

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