Blueharvest 6 3 8 – Disable Ds_store Creation And More

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Finder is OS X's built-in WebDAV client. It's been around for ages, andit's pretty stable.

Your server must have Locking support in order to allow a userto make modifications.

If the server does not supports locks, Finder will operate in read-only mode.


Blue Harvest 6 3 8 – Disable Ds_store Creation And More Efficient

  1. Open finder
  2. Open the 'Go' menu and press 'Connect to Server' (or press Apple-K)
  3. Fill in the full url to the webdav server, and hit connect

Technical information

Chunked encoding

Finder uses Transfer-Encoding: Chunked in PUT request bodies. This is alittle used HTTP feature, and therefore not implemented in a bunch ofwebservers. The only server I've seen so far that handles this reasonably wellis Apache + mod_php. Nginx and Lighttpd respond with 411 Length Required,which is completely ignored by Finder. This was seen on nginx 0.7.63.It was recently reported that a development release (1.3.8) no longer had thisissue.

When using this with Apache + FastCGI PHP completely drops the request body,so it will seem as if the PUT request was succesful, but the file will end upempty.


Navicat for sqlite 12 0 27 download free. Finder will throw an error if an attempt is made to create or copy softlinks.

Excessive requests

Two big problems with Finder are that it leaves a lot of files behind (such as.DS_Store and all the ._.* files. The second problem is that it makes sucha massive amount of HTTP requests, that as a result it's quite a slow client.

This is especially noticable in low-latency situations (e.g.: over theinternet). A good non-fee alternative that does this much better for OS X isTransmit.

Here's a sample of the HTTP requests Finder makes when it connects to a newwebdav share:

  • OPTIONS [baseurl] - First it checks, as it should if this is a valid WebDAV server
  • PROPFIND [baseurl] - Properties of root path
  • PROPFIND [baseurl] - Exact same query, except now it's asking for quota information (could have been merged with step #2)
  • PROPFIND [baseurl] - Exact same as request #2
  • PROPFIND [baseurl] - Another one, exact same
  • PROPFIND [baseurl] - Same thing
  • PROPFIND [baseurl] - You guessed it
  • PROPFIND [baseurl] - sigh.
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/mach_kernel - It's looking for the kernel image, not sure why.
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/.Spotlight-V100 - Looking for spotlight configuration
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - OS/X stores resource data in a file of the format ._filename This file is used to store additional meta-data for filesystem that don't support this. It's really annoyhing and OS/X does it on windows shares too
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Backups.backupdb - Backup configuration
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Exact same thing as before
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/.metadata_never_index - haven't looked up what this means
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Backups.backupdb - Same as before
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Backups.backupdb - OS/X tries it twice, just to be sure
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Redundant again
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/.metadata_never_index - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl] - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - Not sure what this file means
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/mach_kernel - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Backups.backupdb - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/.DS_Store - Finder stores things like the background and other directory-specific settings
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/mach_kernel - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/._. - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Backups.backupdb - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl]/Contents - redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl] - Redundant
  • PROPFIND [baseurl] - Redundant
  • And lastly it downloads every single file in the folder, regardless of the size.
Blueharvest 6 3 8 – Disable Ds_store Creation And More

So, as a result of all this. Finder is among the slowest of WebDAV clients. Alot of these should be easily fixable, as they're just redundant requests.It was reported that this has improved much since OS X 10.8.

Resource-fork request seem to most common, and sometimes Finder can even gointo a loop trying to request the fork every x seconds. This can be migitatedby always sending back a valid resource fork.

A small optimization you can make on the client side is to disable creation of.DS_Store files. Run the following from a terminal to achieve this:

Note however that this will disable .DS_Store for all network drives, not justyour WebDAV drives.

Finder luckily has good support for the Content-Range header. This willreduce the actual size of the requires bodies quite well.

User Agents

Content-length required

Finder requires all files to have the Content-Length header, without it,you'll get really strange results.


For files and directories, Finder will request the following properties:

  • getlastmodified
  • getcontentlength
  • resourcetype

Rarely it will also ask for appledoubleheader, defined in the namespace. This seems to be analternative way to request the resource forks, but Finder doesn't follow itsown standard and still requests for ._filename-type requests. You can freelyignore this.

Blue Harvest 6 3 8 – Disable Ds_store Creation And More Often

Airy 3 5 197 – video downloader full. Initially, Finder will make a seperate request to retrieve the quotainformation, using the following properties:

  • quota-available-bytes
  • quota-used-bytes
  • quota
  • quotaused

So far I haven't been able to figure out where 'quota' and 'quotaused' aredefined, and what they should contain.

Just using the standard quota-available-bytes and quota-used-bytes fromrfc4331 works, however.

Finder does not deal well with timezones, and treat every time fromgetlastmodified as UTC. Therefore it's best to send back all getlastmodifiedproperties in the UTC timezone.

Blue Harvest 6 3 8 – Disable Ds_store Creation And More Abundantly


Both Basic and Digest authentication are supported by Finder.

Character sets

OS/X Finder uses UTF-8 to encode non-latin characters. The encoding it usesfor characters such as the u-umlaut is u%CC%88 (a lowercase u + unicodecodepoint U+0308).

Blue Harvest 6 3 8 – Disable Ds_store Creation And More Powerful

A more common encoding is %C3%BC (U+00FC), which is a single codepoint forthe u-umlaut, instead of the combination. All these characters can benormalized with PHP 5.3's Normalizer class. More information aboutnormalization can be found in the PHP Manual.

Currently SabreDAV does not normalize, but it might in the future if there'ssufficient interest.

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