Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Prompts

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These prompts are an amazing place to start. However, knowing how to implement the prompts and manage students with sketchbooks is important, too! If you'd like ideas to help your students develop their creativity, drawings skills, and information retention, be sure to check out the following 2 Art Ed PRO Learning Packs. Write anything that comes to mind as you read each prompt and elaborate on each point as much as you can. Below you'll find 119 journal prompts for your journal jar. Sunday Scribblings. Sunday Scribblings is a site that posts a writing prompt every Saturday. The idea is that on Sunday you create a piece of writing inspired by the prompt, post. A journal prompt is a simple statement designed to inspire you or offer you an idea of what to write about. It doesn't matter how much you love to write, or how often you write, there will be times when you just don't know where to start. Prompts are also great for helping beginner writers get into journal writing.

Notes on Journal Prompts journal writing prompts

The journal writing prompts on this page are grouped into the 4 quarters of a standard academic year. You, of course, may choose to use any ofthese at whatever time you like.

There areeight graphics on this page to serve as general visual bookmarks. Additionally, please consider using thefollowing text links to jump to specific points on thispage:

  • Go to 1st QuarterPrompts journal writing prompts

1st Quarter Journal Writing Prompts

Note: Ifyou'd like to make these really POP (and save yourself some effort at the sametime), you may be interested in JournalJumpstarts, Volume 1, which contains prompts 1-20 listedbelow.

1. Write about going back to school after summervacation.

2. Write a thank you note to a friend who gaveyou onion and garlic-flavored chewing gum.
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3. Draw an imaginary constellation. Write a story such as ancientpeople might have told about it.

4. Describe a real made-up dream or nightmare. journal writing prompts

5. Write about your favorite childhood toy. journal writing prompts

6. Write out the best or the worst day of yourlife.

7. Finish this thought: if I could change onething about myself (if you can't think of anything, you might want to considertelling how you got to be perfect!)

8. If and when I raise children, I'll never..

9. I have never been more frightened thanwhen..

10. Persuade a friend to give updrugs.

11. Five years from now, I will be.. journal writing prompts

12. Write about a day you'd like to forget.

13. Invent and describe a new food. journal writing prompts

14. Describe an event that changed your lifeforever, or make up and describe an event that would change your life forever.

15. Describesomeone who is a hero to you and explain why.

16. Write about atime in your life when you struggled with a choice and made the right one.

17. Imagineyourself in a different century and describe an average day in your life.

18. Whichcharacter from a book would you most like to meet and why? journal writing prompts

19. Three goals Ihave set for myself are.. journal writing prompts

20. What would youdo if 300 mice had just gotten out of their cages in a pet shop where youworked?

Justlike the above 20 prompts, prompts 21-40 listed below have not been'dressed up' much.

To seethem in their finest clothing, you may want to download JournalJumpstarts, Volume 2.

21. What would you do if you were locked insideyour favorite department store overnight?

22. What would you do if you woke up one morning to findyourself invisible?

23. What would you do if you were able to communicate withanimals?

24. What would you do if you could travel into thefuture?

25. What would you do if you could travel into thepast?

26. What would you do if someone just gave you $1million?

27. What would you do it all the electricity in the worldjust stopped?

28. What would you do if you could travel free anyplace inthe world?

29. What would you do if the dinner served to you in a fancyrestaurant came with a fly in the mashed potatoes?

30. Write a list of at least 50 things that make you feelgood.

31. Describe the perfect day. Put in as many detailsas you can. Make it a possible day, not a 'dream day.'

32. Who is the person from history that you would most liketo meet and talk to? Why? What would you like to ask?

33. Who is the person from literature that you would mostlike to meet and talk to? Why? What would you like to ask?

34. Compile a list of words that describe you as achild. Compile a second list that describes you as you are now. Howare these lists the same? How are they different?

35. Compile a list of inanimate or animate objects to whichyou might compare yourself metaphorically. (I am a windmill. Ichange direction or my thoughts whenever someone talks to me..)

36. Tell about what triggers anger in you or someoneelse.

37. Invent a monster and describe it. Tell where itlives, what it eats, and what it does.

38. What is your favorite kind of weather? Why?

39. What is the best book you have ever read? Why didyou like it? Did reading the book change you in any way? Whatway?

40. Write about what you didn't do this weekend.

Prompts41-60 (listed below) are included in JournalJumpstarts, Volume 3.

Justdisplay the prompt of the day via your digital projector, SMART Board, orclassroom TV and take a break from your whiteboard forawhile!

41. Think about an incident that happened to youand exaggerate in the telling. Make itinto a tall tale.

42. If you were ruler of the world, what things would youbanish absolutely for all time (rain on weekends, eggplant, and soforth)? Make a list. Use your imagination.

43. If you could go back in time anywhere and'anywhen,' where/when would you go and why?

44. What law would you like to see enacted which would helppeople? How would it help?

45. What commercial on TV do you dislike beyond allothers? What about it is particularly annoying to you?

2nd Quarter JournalWriting Prompts

46. Design some gadget, machine, building, orother creation that might enrich the future. What does it look like? What does it do? How does it function? In what waysmight it benefit people?

47. What current fashion in clothing do youparticularly like or dislike? Explain. journal writing prompts

48. Convincesomeone why music or art or computers are important in your life. Make them appreciate your viewpoint.

49. If you had$100,000, how would you spend it?

50. Be a buildingyou know well. Talk about your life andmemories.

51. You are totell a person from a distant planet or from another era what pollution is. Make that person understand what causes itand why it is bad.

52. If you coulddo something that you never have done before, what would it be? Why would you want to do it?

53. Begin a listof questions that you'd like to have answered. They may be about the future or the past.

54. What do youconsider your greatest accomplishment to date and why?

55. Write onecharacteristic or habit about yourself that you like and describe it. Or write about one thing you don't like aboutyourself.

56. What is yourhobby? Why do you enjoy it?

Datebook 1 0 5 – journal prompts pdf

57. If you couldgo somewhere where you've never gone before, where would you go and why?

58. What's, ifanything, would you be willing to fight or even die for? Explain your answer.

59. If you couldchange one thing about the world, what would it be? Why would you make this change?

60. Is there amachine you feel you could not live without? Explain.

Thefollowing prompts (61-80) are included in JournalJumpstarts, Volume 4.

Just likeall of the volumes in the Journal Jumpstarts series, Volume 4 features 21high-quality animations that add 'punch' to the prompts.

Use theseanimations in your own Powerpoints wherever you choose to doso.

61. Write about what you think you will be likeand what you will be doing 10 years or 20 years from now.

62. Did you ever stick up for someone?

63. Describe your neighborhood bully.

64. Write about a baby-sitting experience.

65. Describe a great fort you built for a great game youplayed as a child.

66. Write about an enemy who eventually became yourfriend.

67. Write about a time you cheated and got caught.

68. Write about a privilege you earned.

69. Write about the stray animal you brought home.

70. Did you ever send away for something that turned out tobe a disappointment? (Or order something over the Internet)

71. What is it like to go shopping with your mother? journal writing prompts

72. Write about a time you performed in front of anaudience.

73. Write about a difficult decision you had to make.

74. Write about learning to skate, to ride a bike, to climba tree, or to turn a cart wheel. journal writing prompts

75. Did you ever get lost in a strange town?

76. Were you ever locked in or out? What did youdo?

77. What was it like to spend your first night away fromhome?

78. What was it like to come back home after a longvacation?

79. Write about a disappointment. journal writing prompts

80. Write about something minor that turned into a big deal.

Thefollowing prompts (81-100) are included in JournalJumpstarts, Volume 5.

All of theprompts in the Journal Jumpstarts series are titled and listed in a clickabletable of contents, making it easier to determine where toresume.

81. Did you ever win or lose a contest? Tell the story about what happened.

82. Write about something you desperately wanted when you were younger.

83. Did you ever know someone who had 'everything'?

84. Write about the time as a child you played in one of the following: treehouse, a cornfield, a construction site, a junkyard, an abandoned house or barn, a stream, a cemetery, a swamp, a pasture, railroad tracks.

85. Did your mom or dad ever make you wear something you hated?

86. Write about a time you were talked into something and you regretted it.

87. Were you ever in a helicopter, limousine, racecar, hot-air balloon, submarine, or horse-drawn carriage?

88. Did you ever forget something really important? What happened as a result?

89. Write about an experience in a hospital.

90. Were you ever accused of something that you didn't do?

3rd Quarter Journal Writing Prompts

91.Writeabout a disastrous trip or vacation.

92. Were you evergiven a responsibility that you couldn't handle? journal writing prompts

93. Were you everin a fire, flood, tornado, or hurricane?

94. Describe thebest concert you ever attended.

95. Write about awindow you broke or something valuable you lost.

96. Did you evercatch fireflies? Crickets? Frogs? Snakes?

97. Write about atime you tried to help and ended up making things worse.

98. Did you everbreak an important promise?

99. Write aboutmoving to another city or neighborhood.

100. Describe anoutdoor game you used to play in the summer time.

101. Write aboutbuilding sand castles or mud pies.

102. Did you evermeet a famous person?

Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Prompts Apa

103. Write aboutmowing the lawn, burning leaves, or weeding the garden.

104. Describe theclub you organized as a kid.

105. Describe acar or bicycle accident you were in.

106. Write aboutbeing a misfit.

Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Prompts Pdf

107. Write about aday spent in another country.

108. Write about atime you out-smarted someone.

109. Write aboutgoing shopping for new clothes.

110. Did you everturn someone in or tell on someone and feel bad about it later?

111. Imagine thatyou are an animal in the zoo. What typeof animal are you? How do you feel aboutbeing caged? How do you feel aboutpeople that visit and watch you?

112. Write about atime your parents embarrassed you.

113. Describelearning something from a friend.

114. Write about atime you gave someone good advice.

115. Write about the funniest thing that ever happened to you.

116. If you had to escort a visitor from outer space for a 30-minute tour of your community, where would you begin and end?

117. Be a grape that becomes a raisin: describe how it feels to shrink, to shrivel, to become dry and wrinkled.

118. Be an icicle that becomes water. Describe how it feels to be cold and firm and full of beautiful crystals but only to melt and lose your shape.

119. You go to the store with your parents and baby brother. Your parents go into a store and tell you to watch your brother. You take your eyes off your brother for just a minute and you can't find him. You..

120. I really hate it when my mother/father/sibling..

121. What if the use of robots in school becomes a workable reality?

122. What would you pack in your suitcase if you could not go home again?

123. You have just met an alien from another planet. He wishes to take a student back to his planet. Convince him you would be the perfect specimen for him to take.

124. If you could change one law, what law would it be and how would you change it?

125. How forgiving are you when a friend lets you down? Explain. Give an example.

126. What if you were named principal for the week? What would you do?

127. If you could only speak twenty words for the rest of your life, what words would head your list and why?

128. It started out as an unusual Monday morning, when I..

Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Prompts 4th Grade

129. As I approached the deserted house at the end of the road, I saw..

130. Do you think girls are raised differently from boys? If so, in what ways?

131. Do you think you are treated differently because you are a boy or girl?

132. Do you think men and women are equal in today's society? Why or why not?

133. Do you think a woman will be President of the United States in the near future?

134. Two men or women have it easier in our culture? If so, why do you think so?

135. Have you ever wished you were either older or younger? What would you consider to be the benefits? The problems?

4th Quarter Journal Writing Prompts

136. Describe what you think of as the typical mother.

137. Describe what you think of as the typical father.

138. Do youthink women should take men's last names when they marry? Why or why not? journal writing prompts

Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Prompts Printable

139. Wouldyou rather have a brother or sister? Why?

140. Describe a fight you had with your mother. Now tell it from her point of view.

141. Write a short biography of your mother.

142. Write a short biography of your father.

143. Visualize a time when your mother was laughing. Recall a time when you two shared a good laugh over something.

144. Write a physical description of your mother. Write as if you were looking at a movie rather than a photograph.

145. Concentrate on a particular habit that your mother has and write about it.

146. If you had three wishes, what would they be? (Do not ask for three more wishes) journal writing prompts

147. What is something special and/or different about you? Why do you think it is special or different?

148. Write about two things that your family has taught you.

149. Write about some of the things that you worry about.

150. Describe a happy memory of your family. journal writing prompts

151. How do you know someone loves you, even if he or she doesn't say it?

152. Name one thing you like about yourself and why you like it.

153. Imagine yourself as a teacher. What type of student would you like to teach and why?

154. Name and describe a teacher who made a difference in your life. What did that teacher do that was so special?

155. What makes you proud to be an American?

156. Describe the one thing that gives you the most comfort.


57. If you couldgo somewhere where you've never gone before, where would you go and why?

58. What's, ifanything, would you be willing to fight or even die for? Explain your answer.

59. If you couldchange one thing about the world, what would it be? Why would you make this change?

60. Is there amachine you feel you could not live without? Explain.

Thefollowing prompts (61-80) are included in JournalJumpstarts, Volume 4.

Just likeall of the volumes in the Journal Jumpstarts series, Volume 4 features 21high-quality animations that add 'punch' to the prompts.

Use theseanimations in your own Powerpoints wherever you choose to doso.

61. Write about what you think you will be likeand what you will be doing 10 years or 20 years from now.

62. Did you ever stick up for someone?

63. Describe your neighborhood bully.

64. Write about a baby-sitting experience.

65. Describe a great fort you built for a great game youplayed as a child.

66. Write about an enemy who eventually became yourfriend.

67. Write about a time you cheated and got caught.

68. Write about a privilege you earned.

69. Write about the stray animal you brought home.

70. Did you ever send away for something that turned out tobe a disappointment? (Or order something over the Internet)

71. What is it like to go shopping with your mother? journal writing prompts

72. Write about a time you performed in front of anaudience.

73. Write about a difficult decision you had to make.

74. Write about learning to skate, to ride a bike, to climba tree, or to turn a cart wheel. journal writing prompts

75. Did you ever get lost in a strange town?

76. Were you ever locked in or out? What did youdo?

77. What was it like to spend your first night away fromhome?

78. What was it like to come back home after a longvacation?

79. Write about a disappointment. journal writing prompts

80. Write about something minor that turned into a big deal.

Thefollowing prompts (81-100) are included in JournalJumpstarts, Volume 5.

All of theprompts in the Journal Jumpstarts series are titled and listed in a clickabletable of contents, making it easier to determine where toresume.

81. Did you ever win or lose a contest? Tell the story about what happened.

82. Write about something you desperately wanted when you were younger.

83. Did you ever know someone who had 'everything'?

84. Write about the time as a child you played in one of the following: treehouse, a cornfield, a construction site, a junkyard, an abandoned house or barn, a stream, a cemetery, a swamp, a pasture, railroad tracks.

85. Did your mom or dad ever make you wear something you hated?

86. Write about a time you were talked into something and you regretted it.

87. Were you ever in a helicopter, limousine, racecar, hot-air balloon, submarine, or horse-drawn carriage?

88. Did you ever forget something really important? What happened as a result?

89. Write about an experience in a hospital.

90. Were you ever accused of something that you didn't do?

3rd Quarter Journal Writing Prompts

91.Writeabout a disastrous trip or vacation.

92. Were you evergiven a responsibility that you couldn't handle? journal writing prompts

93. Were you everin a fire, flood, tornado, or hurricane?

94. Describe thebest concert you ever attended.

95. Write about awindow you broke or something valuable you lost.

96. Did you evercatch fireflies? Crickets? Frogs? Snakes?

97. Write about atime you tried to help and ended up making things worse.

98. Did you everbreak an important promise?

99. Write aboutmoving to another city or neighborhood.

100. Describe anoutdoor game you used to play in the summer time.

101. Write aboutbuilding sand castles or mud pies.

102. Did you evermeet a famous person?

Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Prompts Apa

103. Write aboutmowing the lawn, burning leaves, or weeding the garden.

104. Describe theclub you organized as a kid.

105. Describe acar or bicycle accident you were in.

106. Write aboutbeing a misfit.

Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Prompts Pdf

107. Write about aday spent in another country.

108. Write about atime you out-smarted someone.

109. Write aboutgoing shopping for new clothes.

110. Did you everturn someone in or tell on someone and feel bad about it later?

111. Imagine thatyou are an animal in the zoo. What typeof animal are you? How do you feel aboutbeing caged? How do you feel aboutpeople that visit and watch you?

112. Write about atime your parents embarrassed you.

113. Describelearning something from a friend.

114. Write about atime you gave someone good advice.

115. Write about the funniest thing that ever happened to you.

116. If you had to escort a visitor from outer space for a 30-minute tour of your community, where would you begin and end?

117. Be a grape that becomes a raisin: describe how it feels to shrink, to shrivel, to become dry and wrinkled.

118. Be an icicle that becomes water. Describe how it feels to be cold and firm and full of beautiful crystals but only to melt and lose your shape.

119. You go to the store with your parents and baby brother. Your parents go into a store and tell you to watch your brother. You take your eyes off your brother for just a minute and you can't find him. You..

120. I really hate it when my mother/father/sibling..

121. What if the use of robots in school becomes a workable reality?

122. What would you pack in your suitcase if you could not go home again?

123. You have just met an alien from another planet. He wishes to take a student back to his planet. Convince him you would be the perfect specimen for him to take.

124. If you could change one law, what law would it be and how would you change it?

125. How forgiving are you when a friend lets you down? Explain. Give an example.

126. What if you were named principal for the week? What would you do?

127. If you could only speak twenty words for the rest of your life, what words would head your list and why?

128. It started out as an unusual Monday morning, when I..

Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Prompts 4th Grade

129. As I approached the deserted house at the end of the road, I saw..

130. Do you think girls are raised differently from boys? If so, in what ways?

131. Do you think you are treated differently because you are a boy or girl?

132. Do you think men and women are equal in today's society? Why or why not?

133. Do you think a woman will be President of the United States in the near future?

134. Two men or women have it easier in our culture? If so, why do you think so?

135. Have you ever wished you were either older or younger? What would you consider to be the benefits? The problems?

4th Quarter Journal Writing Prompts

136. Describe what you think of as the typical mother.

137. Describe what you think of as the typical father.

138. Do youthink women should take men's last names when they marry? Why or why not? journal writing prompts

Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Prompts Printable

139. Wouldyou rather have a brother or sister? Why?

140. Describe a fight you had with your mother. Now tell it from her point of view.

141. Write a short biography of your mother.

142. Write a short biography of your father.

143. Visualize a time when your mother was laughing. Recall a time when you two shared a good laugh over something.

144. Write a physical description of your mother. Write as if you were looking at a movie rather than a photograph.

145. Concentrate on a particular habit that your mother has and write about it.

146. If you had three wishes, what would they be? (Do not ask for three more wishes) journal writing prompts

147. What is something special and/or different about you? Why do you think it is special or different?

148. Write about two things that your family has taught you.

149. Write about some of the things that you worry about.

150. Describe a happy memory of your family. journal writing prompts

151. How do you know someone loves you, even if he or she doesn't say it?

152. Name one thing you like about yourself and why you like it.

153. Imagine yourself as a teacher. What type of student would you like to teach and why?

154. Name and describe a teacher who made a difference in your life. What did that teacher do that was so special?

155. What makes you proud to be an American?

156. Describe the one thing that gives you the most comfort.

157. If you could be a character in any book, TV show, or movie, who would you be and why?

158. If you had to work in any store at your favorite mall, which store would it be and why?

159. Describe the most difficult thing about being your age.

160. Describe one possession that means the most to you.

161. Who is themost important role model in your life?

162. Describe yourbest personality trait.

163. If you couldstudy one subject in school that wasn't offered, what would it be and why?

164. If you had achance to live anywhere you could, where would it be and why?

165. Write aboutthe pros/cons of year-round school or a four-day school week.

166. Write aboutyour favorite sport.

167. Is the schoolyear too long? Too short? Why?

168. What doesyour summer usually consist of?

169. Who should bepaid more, professional athletes or teachers? Why or why not?

170. What class doyou enjoy the most and why?

171. Write aboutthe worst fight you ever had with a friend.

172. If you hadonly one month to live, what would you do?

173. Describe yourdream house.

174. Who is yourfavorite person to be with? Why?

175. What would beyour ideal job when you grow up? Explain.

176. If you couldguest star on any TV show, what would it be and why?

177. What do youthink your life will be like in 10 years? 20 years?

178. Describe howyou would manage your own radio or TV station.

179. What is yourdefinition of success?

180. The sayinggoes, 'Money cannot buy happiness.' Do you agree or disagree? Why? journal writing prompts

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